dimensionalWeight - 451
dydisX - 201
Eans - 4058205007535
Gamintojas - Ledlenser
Gamintojo kodas - 4058205007535
garantijaType - F
Kategorija - Root/Namų ūkis/Naudiniai/Elektriniai įrankiai/Elektriniai degikliai
Pavadinimas - Ledlenser latarka MT14
producerCode - 500844
productName - Led Lenser MT14 Hand flashlight Black,Silver
productSize - Normalus
sizeY - 85
sizeZ - 132
svoris - 666
Trumpas aprašymas - 1000 lm, 320 m, 9 h, 1 x 26650 3,7 V, rechargeable, USB cable and pouch
warrantyLength - 60
dimensionalWeight - 451
sizeX - 201
Eans - 4058205007535
Producer - Ledlenser
ProducerCode - 4058205007535
warrantyType - F
Category - Root/Home/Tools/Electric tools/LEd torches
Name - Ledlenser latarka MT14
producerCode - 500844
productName - Led Lenser MT14 Hand flashlight Black,Silver
productSize - Normal
sizeY - 85
sizeZ - 132
weight - 666
ShortDescription - 1000 lm, 320 m, 9 h, 1 x 26650 3,7 V, rechargeable, USB cable and pouch
warrantyLength - 60